Do you know the illness gotten from CORONAVIRUS?

Prior to the new disastrous and currently, the most deathly of all viruses due to it lack of vaccine, had being the like of LASSA FEVER, SERS, BIRDFLUE, AIDS, etc. But during those periods, the death rate and numbers of persons infected was not as alarming as it is with the CORONAVIRUS saga. Over 4,000 death and over 80,000 persons had been infected and are under the torture of this virus and everyday since it inception in China and the rest of Asia at least more more than 9-10 persons contact the virus everyday. After several research and debate on the outbreak and considering the situation a global threat, the world Health Organization(WHO), UNICEF and medical organizations has it that the resultant "illness" caused by the virus to be called, COVID19. Preventive Measures Against CORONAVIRUS Not until a vaccine or cure is find, we are all adviced by WHO to avoid: 1. Touching our faces with dirty hands 2. Wash our hands every 15-20 minutes 3. Avoid...