
Showing posts from April 9, 2020

Relationships: How long should normal lovemaking last?

I The issue of Lovemaking and Satisfaction among partners has drew a whole lot of controversy for so many years at homes, called for councilling and occupied nearly all phases of the Social Media platforms. According to some people, they said that lovemaking can last as long as the man is capable of handling his partner. Others has it that, it is depends on the feelings attached by both partners. That is joint effort in the business. But for this Nigeria lady her perception is something else, she said that “Any man that last 30 minutes during lovemaking is a mad man” This Nigerian lady on her Twitter handle named Lorita Deina has stirred up a controversy on social media after she insisted that lovemaking should not last beyond 30 minutes, and any guy that spends more than 30 minutes during lovemaking must be a mad man. This lady in her tweet also claimed it is only the jobless guys that would spend more time in lovemaking instead of looking for pro...