THE FESTIVE MESSAGE: The drama will soon start! Many people are already in the village as some will still be traveling between now and 31st December. Wives and co -wives brouhaha will soon start. Who will sweep the compound and who will cook for everyone will soon be the topic of "hide my identity" To those wives who believe they have made it in life, the pepper them gang, ndi let me go and show them who the senior wife is*, you better be humble and allow peace. Ndi my husband is the first born, eldest son, senior, richest etc that will not see any need to respect other wives*, you want to be served and worshiped, you won't ever greet others unless they greet you first because you are the Lionness of the tribe of her husband's better be humble and allow peace. To those husbands* who see suffering, deprivation, humiliation and marginalization as wife materialism, you will take your wife to the village to cook for the entire village, go to the s...
Showing posts from December 25, 2020