"Just One Plague", A Message by Pst. Mike Bamiloye of Mount Zion Faith Ministry

Pst. Mike Bamiloye on Coronavirus
The Mount Zion Faith Ministry founder, Pastor Mike Bamiloye has joined millions of people in the world to give their voice the corona virus pandemic that has placed the whole in confusion and dreaded fear in a message titled Just One Plague.

Here is the full message:
Only one Plague,
And the World stood still the World Government is humbled.
Only One Plague, the World Powers are confused, everyone is scampering for safety, all economy shut down.
Schools shut down, offices shut down, streets were deserted.
Only One Plague, Mecca sent back Worshippers, Jerusalem turned back their Tourists and Vatican City closed down.
Just One Plague, Churches are shut down, Mosques are closed up, all Sports activities are postponed, Clubs are sealed, and the Entertainment Industry is groaning mournfully.
Just One Plague.
Don't shake hands again, don't hug each other again, maintain 2meter step away from one another. And before the plague of corona virus, there were nations threatening nations for war, there were countries bullying other countries, there was war in Syria, there was revolt in Iran.
There was crisis in Turkey. There were protests and Political unrest. But when the Plague surfaces, it quieted everything.
Wars ceased for the Plague, unrest stopped for the Plague, Olympic is shutting down for the Plague. Everybody ran into their houses and hiding away for just one virus!

When the Trumpet sounds and Jesus has come and gone with His own blood Washed Saints??
It's time to give Jesus a chance in your heart, a time when the grace is still available, when the blood of Jesus is still efficacious, run to him now before the great terrible day of the Lord comes.
It is called time of Jacob's trouble, a day of gloominess and darkness, a day of sorrow, pain and agony. Come to him for shelter today , tomorrow might be too late. God bless you.


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