I hear say: Professor Joseph claimed to have cure on COVID-

COVID-19: I Have Found The Cure For Coronavirus, Nigerian professor say. Professor. Joseph Akpa.

I Have Found Cure For Coronavirus, Nigerian Professor Says.Prof. Joseph Akpa

I Have Found Cure For Coronavirus, Nigerian Professor Says.Prof. Joseph Akpa, a Nigerian alternative medicine practitioner, says he has found cure for the current coronavirus pandemic through energy health curative means.

Prof. Akpa, who is the Provost of Luminar International College of Alternative Medicine, Enugu, made the claim to newsmen in a press conference held in Enugu on Wednesday.

According to him, he had already made energy health medicines superficially meant to boost the human immune system and others meant to directly attack the virus to ensure 100 per cent successful cure.

“I will challenge any health institution or agency to bring any known case of coronavirus to me and see how it will disappear within few days.

“If the Permanent Secretary of Enugu State Ministry of Health or the State Government approaches me to cure any of the known cases of coronavirus in the state I will voluntarily do so without attaching any condition to it.

“I thank God for using me to find the cure to a disease that is already threatening to wipe out the whole earth,” he said.Prof Akpa blamed the outbreak on the quest to be supreme super human species among the Chinese and others.

“These people during their meditation engage in what is known as Astral Travelling in which the spirit leaves the body and travel to these planets to probe what is there and at times steal certain substances which they bring back to the earth.

“So be that some of these unworthy activities of the human beings affected the planet Mercury and in reaction now sends the deadly radiations of the coronavirus to the earth,” he said.

Akpa advised that humans should restrict themselves in knowing more about the earth; while abiding by the laws of God and ensuring that human beings stop racing to manufacture equipment of destruction.

“Finally, however, I will teach you, journalists, some self-protective habits and also give each of you a bottle of Immunity Enhancement.

“Before ending this briefing I like to inform you that all the planets have also their positive effects on the human beings here on earth, you can find this in many of my works,” Akpa said.
[03/04 10:48 am] +234 708 702 2314: How Bill gates, Obama, Musk, Jeff Bezos and others Illuminatis created Coronavirus - Fani Kayode

Follwoing The Coronairus Pandemic which have killed thousands of People, Fani Kayode has explained how the Illuminati, the champions of globalisation and a New World Order like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Barack Obama, Jacob Rothschild, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Tony Blair and others brought Coronavirus.


“If people knew what was really unfolding and what satan, the Illuminati, the champions of globalisation and a New World Order like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Barack Obama, Jacob Rothschild, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Tony Blair and others are actually doing and hoping to achieve with 5G, the Coronavirus chaos and pandemic, the yet to be released anti-Coronavirus vaccine and Artificial Intelliigence every true Christian and Muslim would join forces, resist it and PRAY against them!

“They have fooled the world with their many sorceries, their deep witchcraft, their extraordinary mendacities, their psychopathic savagery, their sociopathic barbarism, their unimaginable wealth, their obsession for control and their demonic technology and they have gone very far in implementing their Luciferean agenda.

“The truth is that if things remain on course for them and they continue to succeed in the implementation of their cause within the next 10 to 20 years the world will be a very different place in every sense.

“The good news is that their coming master, the Anti-Christ, will NOT rise to power on earth until AFTER what is known as the “rapture” in Christian circles takes place.

“This means that no matter what happens, ultimately every true believer shall be “raptured” and escape the evil that is coming and leave the rest of the world to face it.

“It is at that time that pure and unadulterated evil shall take over the entire world and there will be no force left on earth to counter or restrain it until the return of the Messiah at the battle of Armageddon.

“Up until the time of the rapture only the constant  of the name and power of the Lord by the believers and a strong resolve to resist this evil and satanic agenda by the children of the Living God can contain and slow them down.

“We must thank God for President Donald Trump. He has been a big thorn in their flesh and we must pray that he wins the 2020 presidential election in America.

“He is the only American leader that has had the resources, wherewithal and courage to stand up to them and consequently their intention is to get him out of the way at all costs.

By God’s grace they all shall fail!


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