See who wins Ballon d'Or 2021

The winner of the Ballon d’Or 2021 will be Known in six days with France Football telling already the player of his triumph.

Lionel Messi, Karim Benzema or Robert Lewandowski, who will win this year Ballon d’Or? Everyone has his favorite player but only one will be rewarded.

With six days remaining before the ceremony at Théâtre du Chatelet in Paris, France, everything suggests that Bayern Munich striekr Robert Lewandowski is the winner of this year’s Ballon d’Or.

Robert Lewandowski is heading to Ballon d'Or 2021 triumph.

Robert Lewandowski is heading to his first ever Ballon d’Or triumph.

According to Polish journalist Tomasz Włodarczyk, a France Football photojournalist has been spotted inside Warsaw Stadium last week alongside Lewandowski.

The former Borussia Dortmund star did not play against Hungary that day and only descended to the Warsaw Stadium lawn with the photojournalist who came along the from France just for him.

This is a great sign which shows that Lewandowski would be the Ballon d’Or 2021 though we’ll have to wait until Novembre 29.

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